Safe and Sound Protocol

Southern Breeze Counseling is proud and excited to offer the innovative Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) to Dexter and the rest of Southeast Missouri. 

This listening therapy is developed from cutting-edge findings from Polyvagal Theory in medicine. Through listening to specially treated music, clients can help “reset” their nervous systems, leading to a variety of outcomes including helping lessen the impact of trauma, anxiety, sensory processing sensitivities, and more. 

The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP)

The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) is an evidenced-based listening therapy designed to reduce sound-based sensitivities and improve auditory processing, behavioral state regulation, and social engagement behaviors through filtered music. Learn more about SSP at Southern Breeze Counseling. 

Issues SSP Can Help With

SSP can help people with a wide variety of issues, but it is particularly suited to conditions connected to the body’s functioning. These can include issues with emotional regulation, anxiety, behavioral regulation, hormonal changes, and anything dealing with processing, including autism and ADHD. Learn more about specific issues SSP at Southern Breeze Counseling can help with.

The Music in an SSP Session

During your sessions, you will listen to specially filtered music through headphones. Learn more about the specifics of the music choices and what you will likely experience.

How You Feel During and After SSP Sessions

The goal of SSP is to help calm your system, and that is usually what people experience. Sometimes some tailoring is needed, so it will be important to communicate with your certified SSP Provider  ( we can’t use counselor in relation to the SSP and FOCUS system, because Makayla is not a counselor, she a a certified and trained SSP provider)about how you feel. Learn more about what to expect from SSP.

Equipment used in SSP Sessions

To take full advance of SSP, over-the-ear headphones are highly suggested. Specific kinds of headphones will work better than others. Learn more about the headphones used in SSP at Southern Breeze Counseling. 

Watch this video for more information about Polyvagal Theory and Safe and Sound Protocol